Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Your Bead Store can Profit from Facebook Ads

How would you like to start building relationships with everyone in your town who lists beading as an interest in their Facebook? Here are some of the ways you can utilize Facebook ads to start getting immediate results.
  1. Advertise your store events: We know you have classes, parties, sales, and tons of other things marked on your calendar. So why not get these events packed by using Facebook ads to tell people about them. Make a Facebook ad with the basic details of your event that links to a page on your site about the event. To help track your results your ad could even link to a page where they print a "free ticket" or something of the like.

  2. Build your Email List: If you have a successful store I can pretty much bet you have a strong email marketing program. If you are struggling heavily, then I would guess your email campaigns need some work. In either case, you should appreciate more relevant people signing up for your list. The Facebook audience doesn't like to shop while they're browsing, but they certainly will participate in your contests or raffles, or will even give their email address in exchange for good beading tips.Offer these things in your ad, and make your ad link to a page where they can submit their email in exchange for your content.

  3. Branding: You don't have to have built a strong brand already or have to be a branding expert to take advantage of getting your name out with Facebook ads.To do this, use Facebook's pay-per-impression method. The difference between paying per impression (PPI) and paying per click (PPC), is that with PPC, you pay for each time someone clicks your ad, where with PPI, you pay for each 1,000 times your ad is shown, which is a very inexpensive method. To do this, create an ad about your bead store, linking to your web page. Have that ad running all the time and pay-per-impression to have your ad shown the most at the lowest cost. After six months of running this ad, you can potentially be the most well known bead-store in your town.
Facebook ads can be very effective, but don't work for everything. Facebook is for relationship building, not direct sales. Basically, as long as your landing page (what the ad links to) is not a page that asks your customer to buy, you are doing the right thing.

Be more clever than just trying to get sales- create an interaction with the customer. Have a contest, use your Facebook ads to drive people to the contest. Make it fun and interesting, and forget about selling for two minutes. Feed them content- I'm sure you have great beading tips of your own to give away. Before you know it, you'll have a giant pool to market towards, eagerly waiting to hear from you. Your sale days will be packed, your events will be fully booked, and you will reap all the benefits.

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